10/8/2020 0 Comments Much more than just a diagnosisKeeping your mind healthy is a lifetime process. We have all been there, haven’t we? Whether you want to admit it or not, it is easy to get so caught up in life that sometimes you don’t come to the realization that you are allowing your minds to deplete until it becomes severe.
In any given year, studies show that one in five Canadians will suffer from a mental health problem with approximately 8 per cent of adults experiencing major depressive spells at some point in their lives. Your mental health influences how you feel, act, and perform daily. If we don’t allow ourselves time to focus on our wellness, we will be forced to focus on our illness. In honour of Mental Health Awareness Week and with today being World Mental Health Day, listed below are some tips we follow to help improve our mental health daily. Journal. Seems cliché, I know but you would be surprised to learn that journaling and writing down how you feel throughout you day can be a real life changer when you’re able to reflect back on those notes and highlight what main topics are circling in your mind. Being able to come to the awareness of what is causing you struggle is a big step into becoming healthier in the mind. Talk to likeminded people. I know from experience that dealing with your mind constantly telling you lies can be a battle but it can becomes more eye opening when you are able to see that your struggles relate to other peoples own struggles. Whether it be from talking to a close friend, family or getting involved in a community group, sometimes vocalizing your thoughts and feelings can help. Therapy isn’t a bad thing. And this takes me to my third point. Look at therapy as a positive enforcement in your life, something that is allowing you a safe space to be open about how you’re feeling. With all the programs and services in your community, you can easily connect with a therapist that can help guide you through your journey to healthier mental health. Being with nature. Trust me, I never thought this one could help but it is very beneficial for your mental health. Reflect to when you were a child, a lot of your happiest times was being outside in nature appreciating the little things the world can offer you. Sometimes just stepping into the fresh air can relax your mind more than you think. Meditation or yoga. Remember, sometimes our bodies need exercise and a release. Yoga and meditation aren’t for everyone, but studies show that going into a deep meditation has helped many release their inner emotions that they’ve been suppressing for years. Adult Colouring Books. This is a high one on our radar. Colouring has the ability to relax the fear center of your brain. Through doing this, many have been able to reduce the endless thoughts rushing through their brain. Cut out the negative. I know, this is a tough one. It’s hard coming to the realization that some of the closest people in our lives can be the ones that are hurting our mental state the most. But when it comes to your health, it is important for you to find that balance of what you can allow to affect you and what can not. Choose your battles and who you surround yourself with. Surround yourself with growing individuals. Have you ever heard the saying, if you are the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room? This one could not be truer on my journey of growth. When we surround ourselves with others that are not growing, it keeps us in our comfort zone of not stepping out and doing more with ourselves. Get out there and meet new people, people that motivate you, inspire you and drive you to be a better YOU. Write down what you’re grateful for. I will not lie, this one I take for granted. When we want more out of life, we never sit back and release what we already have. Running water, a roof over a head, food in our bellies. Here is a simple yet challenging task, each morning or night before going to bed, write down 10 things you’re grateful to have. Educate yourself. I’m not saying you have to take a course on this but when you immense yourself in something you want to learn about, you’ll see your focus shift. Through listening to a mental health podcast, reading books on self care or taking to someone with the experience, you will be able to understand yourself a little bit better and you won’t feel so alone. Lastly, accept where you are. We get caught up in wanting so much for ourselves that we forget to acknowledge where we are in life. Remember, you are growing every single day and your journey will be different from everyone else and you will continue to grow throughout your journey.
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